This house simply floated down the river
2021 NSW Floods
Australia had for the last 7 or more years experienced a serious drough.... And then the destructive bushfires and finally came the rains, as many farmers had predicted.
The entire NSW coast was drowned by at least 200 millimetres, and in some places, more than 400mm of rain.
Flooding stretched 600 kilometres from Sydney to the Northern Rivers.
The BOM's Victoria Dodd said the state had experienced "the most significant floods … in decades".
"We've seen exceptionally high flood levels, high-velocity flows, lots of dangerous debris in these floodwaters."
NSW has 40 river catchments, half of which flow east to the coast.
Dr Johnson said an unusual feature of this flood event was that the heavy rain persisted for five days.
"Rainfall of 200mm in one day is rare. It might occur once every 10 or 20 years, but when you look at the five-day total, that's unprecedented," she said.
Flood waters came up overnight giving farmers no time to move the cattle and sheep
Many farmers lost their whole herd, drowned or washed out to sea, in a matter of a day

Stranded cattle crowding onto a small island
Just some of the items in the over 100 Food Packs You Have A Friend distributed
You Have A Friend decided that we could once again help in our small way.
We were aware that so many people had lost everything.
Farmers lost farming equipment, vehicles, their houses and also their stock.
So a decision was made by You Have A Friend to at least help a few if we could.
We provided over 100 hampers of items that we felt would be beneficial for those who had lost all.
These were distributed to many farmers just living in flooded houses.
We concentrated on the Kempsey area.
The response was so positive and thankful from many but that is what Aussie farmers are all about.
The Flood
Saving as many cattle,sheep and farmers as possible